Koha Kai Charitable Trust
Business Name: Koha Kai Charitable Trust
Owner/Operator: Janice Lee – Pouārahi | CEO
Product/Produce: Community Meals. Lunches in Schools, Organically grown fruit and Vegetables, Hospitality and Horticulture Training.
Key information bits:
Koha Kai is a Kaupapa Māori Vocational Education and Training Programme, based in Waihopai – Invercargill. Established as a Charitable Trust in 2015, Koha Kai work in the disability sector teaching hospitality and horticulture skills to people living with the challenges of disability.
While Koha Kai began in schools, taking advantage of their kitchens as teaching space, and providing affordable school lunches from there - it has evolved significantly since then.
Using Matauranga Māori and te ao Māori principles, Koha Kai grow’s food using intergenerational growing practices and natural (spray and pesticide free) seasonal growth for our food production. Taking food from paddock to plate, they teach not only Tangata Whaikaha but many others from the community who would like to expand their learning about food.
Koha Kai also work with our community partners in schools, Murihiku Kai Collective and Koanga Kai to educate and share knowledge and food, and they sell our surplus vegetables through the Southern Farmers’ Market on a Sunday morning at the old Invercargill Railway Station.
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