Barnes Oysters

Business Name: Barnes Oysters

Owner/Operator: Graeme Wright

Product/Produce: Bluff Oysters

Key information bits:

  • Barnes Oysters was founded by oyster connoisseur Ernest Barnes in 1958. With a wealth of industry knowledge and experience, Ernest saw Barnes Oysters move from strength to strength and soon became a household name amongst seafood lovers nationwide.

  • From Barnes base in Invercargill, New Zealand’s southernmost city at 46.4131° S, 168.3475° E, we hold our roots and grand history dear. Their purpose built factory supplies the country with top quality product seasonally and is also licenced to export to Australia and China.

  • Barnes fleet of six oyster boats is owned by a number of committed shareholders. The combined quota ownership of our shareholders represents approximately 60 percent of the total Bluff Oyster fishery quota. Barnes also process on behalf of other Bluff oyster quota owners – representing an additional six percent of the total fishery quota.

Contact details

Phone +64 3 218 2575


Auld Distillery


Blueberry Country